questions and answers
Can I request finish samples to be sent direct to my client?
Yes. At checkout just enter the client’s address details under Delivery Address. If working on more than one project, remember that you can order a maximum of three finish samples per shopping basket. Select what you require for each project as a separate transaction.
What height is the back plate on Steel passing brackets?
Steel passing-bracket dimensions:
What height is the back plate on Steel mid brackets?
Steel mid-bracket dimensions:
What height is the back plate on Steel side brackets?
Steel single side bracket dimensions:
What is the maximum span between brackets for Baroco Collection poles?
Baroco maximum recommended pole spans:
What is the maximum span between brackets for Elysian Collection poles?
Elysian poles are 30mm, 50mm and 63mm from the table below:
What is the maximum span between brackets for French poles?
Standard and Stainless French Poles are as follows:
Steel French Poles as follows:
What is the maximum span between brackets for acrylic poles?
30mm (1 3/16″) recommended maximum bracket spacing of 1.2m (4ft)
50mm (2″) recommended maximum bracket spacing of 1.5m (5ft)
Note that acrylic poles are not suitable for use in conservatories or hot rooms and should not be positioned in direct sunlight.
What is the maximum span between brackets for Mio Collection poles?
See attached
What is the maximum span between brackets for Steel Collection poles?
See attached
What is the ring drop for Baroco rings?
See attached
What is the ring drop for Lucent rings?
See attached
What is the ring drop for Simple rings?
See attached
What is the ring drop for Elysian rings?
See attached
What is the ring drop for Mio rings?
See attached
What height is the back plate on Mio side brackets?
Stainless side bracket dimensions:
What height is the back plate on Mio mid brackets?
Stainless mid bracket dimensions:
What’s the difference between consumer and professional subscriptions?
A Consumer subscription allows you to order free finish samples.
A professional subscription allows you to access all other support services, as well as ordering free finish samples.
What is the maximum span between brackets for Motorised Collection poles?
See attached:
What is the ring drop for French rings?
Full curtain drop detail for Standard and Stainless French:
Full curtain drop detail for Steel French:
This panel shows ring drops for Standard and Stainless French pole.
See attached
What height is the back plate on Stainless French brackets?
See attached:
What height is the back plate on Stainless French double brackets?
See attached:
What height is the back plate on Standard French brackets?
See attached:
What height is the back plate on Steel French brackets?
See attached:
What height is the back plate on Lucent passing brackets?
30mm and 50mm dimensions below relate to the Lucent Collection:
What height is the back plate on Lucent mid brackets?
30mm and 50mm dimensions below relate to the Lucent Collection:
What height is the back plate on Lucent side brackets?
30mm and 50mm dimensions below apply to the Lucent Collection:
What height is the back plate on Simple passing brackets?
Simple passing bracket dimensions:
What height is the back plate on Simple mid brackets?
Simple mid bracket dimensions:
What height is the back plate on Simple side brackets?
Simple side bracket dimensions:
What height is the back plate on Stainless passing brackets?
Stainless passing bracket dimensions:
What is the maximum span between brackets for Stainless Collection poles?
See attached
How do I get a Bradley Projects Web Portal account?
Web Portal accounts are available for trade clients only.
If you are an existing client of The Bradley Collection, simply call your normal sales contact and they will arrange to set up the Web Portal account for you.
If you are a new client, contact in the first instance to establish both a trading account and a Web Portal account.